Back to Work For Mom?

I recently started dabbling with work again . . . doing legal work for an attorney friend.  The daughter who gave me trouble throughout middle and high school is now in college, and I have to trust that she will manage herself and her schedule to hopefully become a responsible adult.

The daughter who never gave me trouble is self motivating and studies on her own. In fact, She doesn't want me to help her much.

My husband gave up his employment for an entertainment company and now happily works freelance from home . . . which make me want to get out of the house more.  Hence I started dabbling with work again.

Downtown LA Law Library

Do I like practicing law? The answer is still no. But I am feeling that there are skills that I accumulated as an attorney that can help me get back into the workforce and earn some extra income. I need to learn the substance and procedure of practicing law again after having left it for some ten years. But my sole practitioner attorney friend needs someone to help her out and I am grateful that she is letting me get in the door again and will be mentoring me. As I draft research papers and briefs, I feel a twinge of excitement that I can still do this. Going to the downtown law library made me realize that research has now been completely digitized and I need to learn which computer databases to use for my research. But it is so much more convenient and efficient than doing paper and pencil research.

Yet, I feel that there are still things I'd like to accomplish outside of the workforce such as remodeling my house, planting my drought tolerant garden, taking classes, and writing my book. Once I get back into the workforce full time, it will be difficult to take time out to pursue some of those interests again. For now, while I can still dabble in work and my own pursuits, I guess I have the best of both worlds. count myself lucky.

Now woman! Get off your butt and DO SOMETHING!


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