Another Doctor/Crime Solver Historic Novel

What, another historic novel about a doctor who solves mysteries and has designs on the rich lady with inherited wealth? Those story lines make the doctors seem less than honorable and the ladies of the house all targets of marriage only because they have inheritance.

I liked Tessa Harris' The Anatomist's Apprentice about a wealthy household whose members are being poisoned and the pathologist /doctor is the only one who can solve the murders and save the fair damsel in distress. The twists and turns were pretty unpredictable and the story telling was good.

However, I am beginning to get tired of story lines with silly helpless female characters who have wealth but are at the mercy of men in their lives who marry them only to exercise financial control over them.  Let's get a bit more creative with the general plot and female characters okay? When the authors are women, there's no excuse for not creating better female characters, historically honest or not.


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